Wow Exe 2.4.3 _TOP_
The Burning Crusade [Patch 2.4.3] [Full Client 7.8 GB] [Direct Link] The Burning Crusade [Patch 2.4.3] [Full Client 7.8 GB] [Torrent Magnet Link] The Burning Crusade [Patch 2.4.3] [Client Installer 6.5 GB] [Direct Link] The Burning Crusade Client Patches - enGB [Direct Link]The Burning Crusade [Realmlist] [Direct Link] The Burning Crusade Executable File [Patch 2.4.3] [Direct Link]
Here you can find different sources of downloads for the World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion, specifically patch 2.4.3. These clients are pre-installed so all you should need to do is extract them from the zip file and update your realmlist to the server of your choice. 2b1af7f3a8