Dapp University - The Blockchain Bootcamp 2.0
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This guide will provide you with a wealth of information on what a blockchain bootcamp program is, what is involved, and where to find the best programs to prepare you for an exciting and rewarding cryptocurrency career.
These institutions all offer various blockchain bootcamp programs, ranging from six- to eight-week, part-time self-paced courses to up to full-time 24-week courses. You can also find similar programs online, such as through Udemy.
At the other end of the range, Rutgers University offers a part-time blockchain bootcamp that is 24 weeks and a full-time program that is 12 weeks long. Columbia and UC Berkeley both have programs that are 24-week part-time commitments and are online/self-paced. The cost for both ranges between $12,000 and $14,000.
Like blockchain bootcamp program format, length, level of effort, and cost, each program is structured differently, according to each institution. However, most of the material covered in each program is relatively the same.
Of course, salaries for cryptocurrency positions can differ depending on the type of position and location. Check our complete career guides for more in-depth salary information. Blockchain bootcamp-related careers include blockchain developer, software engineer, fintech app developer, and cryptocurrency analysts.
Moralis Academy is an online university for blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. It offers beginner, intermediate and advanced courses. Beginner courses include Ethereum 101 and Blockchain & Bitcoin 101. Intermediate courses include Ethereum Smart Contract 101, and advanced courses include Ethereum dApp Programming and DeFi 201. Users must register with Moralis Academy on either a business or individual plan, starting at $22 per month when billed annually. 59ce067264