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So that left me in a difficult position: basically I was stuck with using CADSTAR forever (nightmare!). I really like KiCad and used it several times for personal projects with the latest version being in many ways superior to CADSTAR. I came to the conclusion to move away from CADSTAR at work I would have to spend my free time developing an importer for KiCad
I have spent the last two months working on this and have now finalised a CADSTAR PCB Archive importer (see -/merge_requests/279 ). This is waiting for code review before the code gets merged in to master. In parallel to this am working offline on a schematic importer which I hope to also finish before v6 feature freeze (this will be a stretch but luckily most of the elements in the schematic file format are exact copies of those in the PCB, so half the work is done).
I am in process of writing the CADSTAR schematic archive importer and should hopefully finish before feature freeze. During feature freeze, I plan on spending all my time fixing any bugs/innacuracies of the importer as I want the importer to be as accurate as possible.
Zuken provides a free CADSTAR design viewer here: -viewer/ (Windows only, and need an email address to download). There are several *.cpa design files freely available on the internet. An advanced search Github shows a few of them: =cadstarpcb+"format+layout"+extension%3Acpa&type=Code&ref=advsearch&l=&l= ( thanks @Seth_h for the tip!) 2b1af7f3a8