Bot Pinnacle Para Mu 12 __TOP__
In the example below it will take 23 minutes and 52 seconds to download each of the blocks in the System Data Block. Note that the zeros in the time calculations in the charts are not seconds but minutes.
Before the download begins the program will prompt for building and starting parameters. If a suitable building location exists then the Building Location input box will be activated and if the building location does not exist then will be a default. If a suitable container has been defined the Options button will activate and the system will allow you to select a build location and container. You will then be prompted for the Start Wizard parameters via the Derive Start Wizard… menu. Only one set of parameters will be used by the downloader for the purpose of deriving the settings for all the blocks.
The Derive Start Wizard will present all the blocks as options and an example of the starting and stopping time to download the blocks which can be hours. It will also calculate the default settings and the downloading time required to complete the download and print out a summary of the parameters used.
If you wish to completely download the blocks and rebuild the different blocks then you need to disable the default building defaults before you can modify the block parameters. Do this by simply clicking no on the first screen. d2c66b5586