Bioseparations Principles And Techniques By B Sivasankar Ebook Free 15 [BEST]
Bioseparations Principles And Techniques By B Sivasankar Ebook Free 15
The next four chapters deal with basic analytical techniques for bioseparations such as gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, isotachophoresis, and electrophoresis. The chapter on chromatography gives a quick review of different types of chromatographic instruments. The next few chapters deal with bioseparations of chemicals from environmental sample. The chapter on enzymology and protein engineering deals with the conventional analytical methodologies and molecular biology techniques to study protein engineering. The chapter on Genetics and molecular biology discusses the effect of selection on genetic engineering and molecular biology techniques of microbial cell culture. Various laboratory techniques for the study of genetic transformation, recombinant DNA technology, and DNA sequencing are mentioned here. The last two chapters deal with the application of bioseparations in analytical chemistry and biotechnology.
Suitably placed between chapters are selected examples of various applications of bioseparations. The use of bioseparations in product development, biotechnology, analytical chemistry, bioprocess, process optimization and safety is discussed and examples from all over the globe have been given to illustrate the wide spectrum of applications. The bioseparations in medicine as well as toxicology as practiced at bench, pilot, demonstration and commercial scale is given a special attention.
The book will be useful to those who have studied chemical engineering as well as those who wish to do an advanced course in the subject and have no knowledge in the subject. It is a suitable companion to Bioseparations by S.S.
This book is a very good text in chemical engineering for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is equally useful for advanced graduate students working in biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and related fields. The series editor, Dr. S. S. Thangaraj, who is at present a Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, has carried out a commendable job. The book is written in a lucid manner and the illustrations are of good quality. The introductory chapters to various chemical engineering unit operations, introductory chapters to the basics of microbiology, genetical and molecular biology and analytical chemistry and the concluding chapters on application of bioseparations in analytical chemistry and biotechnology have an immediate impact and can be read straight away without any prior knowledge. It will serve as a reference book for many students and researchers in biochemistry, biotechnology and other related fields.
The topic of pasteurization of milk has been the subject of Chapters 7-12. This covers the general principles of microbial spoilage, microbiological and chemical spoilage as well as the technology of manufacturing process for the sterilized milk used by dairy industries. Various methods of preserving milk and their applications has been thoroughly covered. This includes pasteurization, sterilization, alkaline treatment, refrigeration and freezing of milk as well as various preservatives used. 827ec27edc